Getting A Sherp Stuck
Getting a Sherp ATV stuck is no easy feat. This is the first time in over 3 years I have been involved in getting a Sherp stuck. Getting stuck in a Florida swamp was never really a consideration after going through so many nasty areas. In this situation the mud was very thin which provided little resistance to push against. The center of the rut was deep enough that the bottom rested on the mud and possibly a tree. The thin mud meant the Sherp had nothing to push off of to climb out or over the rut. Even changing the angle side to side did not allow the Sherp Pro XT from Argo to get traction and climb out.
The only other time a Sherp gets consistently stuck is in clay. Even the giant lugs on the Sherp ATV tires cannot eject all the mud so it builds up and prevents the Sherp from getting traction. With clay, the wetter the clay the better because it sticks less. When clay has just the right moisture it is sticky and slick. We have all stepped in clay before and seen it stick to our boots as we slide around.
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Getting a Sherp Unstuck
Getting unstuck is relatively easy in most instances. The best thing is to not assume the Sherp cannot get stuck or is indestructible. The Sherp can go many places other Argo vehicles cannot but it can still get stuck.
Pull-On It
One method a customer pointed out is to get a few people to pull on a rope. This often provides enough pressure to enable the lugs on the tires to get traction. The Sherp Pro XT is considerably heavier than the older Pro so this is more difficult on the new Sherp.
Winching is familiar to anyone even considering the Sherp Pro XT. Carrying the needed straps axle and other supplies is just being smart. Think about what is needed to get a Sherp unstuck but more importantly how can you help others get unstuck. There are entire groups on social media dedicated to getting each other unstuck. I our area it is called Stuck in Florida.
What happens when you need to winch and there is not a tree or rock around to connect to? A great tip came from a customer who works in the waters of the Everglades. They carry a boat anchor and winch against it. Brilliant! They toss the anchor out get enough resistance to for the Sherp to get traction and get unstuck. The size of the anchor should match the terrain you are likely to encounter.
Winch Up
When winching a Sherp or any vehicle 99% of the time people attach the anchor point at waist level or below. I know I used to do it until an experienced equipment operator told me to winch up. By winching up you are lift the vehicle over the wall of mud, sand or debris that is blocking you. Why would you try to pull through it, instead of lifting over it? By lifting you are also breaking the suction below the vehicle make the entire recovery more efficient.
How Big Of A Winch Is Needed For A Sherp
If you are like most off-road enthusiasts, bigger is better. It is possible to go to big and run into issues. The Sherp Pro XT weighs in at 5,180lbs so a winch rated at 8,000 to 10,000 lbs is about right. If you go bigger you run into a few possible issues.
- The winch is heavy and hard to move setup in the mud. If you have to install it after getting stuck in waist deep mud, you will struggle.
- The winch could damage the Sherp. Putting a 15k lbs winch on the Sherp bumper could bend, break or tear the Sherp.
- Storage can be an issue if it is to big to put in the storage below the back deck. You can leave it in the bumper receiver but that will add wear and tear to the winch.
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